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SELI Goes South

The Fourth National Conference

for the Study of English Literatures in Israel

February 3, 2020
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Keyword Seminars

This year's  SELI conference will once again use the “keywords” format, with six mini-seminars designed to generate discussion among all participants. At our request, six colleagues from different universities have each chosen a keyword and will be chairing the one-hour seminars.


To get the conversation going, each convener has asked several colleagues to offer a short opening comment on the keyword: a brief argument, a personal observation, a literary passage, or whatever else strikes their  fancy.  The success of the seminars, however, depends on the active participation of the audience. We invite you to continue what the presenters have started by adding your own viewpoint: how does the keyword in question manifest itself in your research or teaching, your intellectual pursuits or your creative life?

See the list of keywords in the conference program below. Please let us know which conversations you plan to join by filling out our short registration form.


Conference Program

 Sara Tadmor Auditorium (Building 18) 


9:30   Gathering and coffee

10:00   Greetings 

Amit Schejter, Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (BGU)

Eitan Bar-Yosef, Department of Foreign Literatures and Linguistics (BGU)


 Mandel Institute for Social Leadership (Building 14) 

10:30 - 11:30   Keyword seminars, session I


South (Mandel 003)

Yael Segalovitz (BGU, chair)

Taylor Johnston (TAU)

Neta Kleine (BGU)

Aharon Landau (BGU)


Migration (Mandel 004)

Ruthie Wenske-Stern (HUJI, chair)

Karin Berkman (BIU/HUJI)

Maurice Ebileeni (Haifa)

Abraham Rubin (HUJI)


11:30 - 12:00   Coffee


12:00 - 13:00   Keyword seminars, session II


Dialogue (Mandel 003)

Ayelet Langer (Haifa, chair)

Alex Feldman (Haifa)

Chanita Goodblatt (BGU)

Irena Rudiakov (Haifa)


Listening (Mandel 004)

Esther Schupak (BIU, chair)

Amy Garnai (Kibbutzim)

Stephanie Ginensky (Talpiot/Kibbutzim)

Michael Kramer (BIU)

13:00 - 14:30   Lunch (on your own)

14:30 - 15:30   Keyword seminars, session III


Failure; or When Things Go Wrong (Mandel 003)

Nir Evron (TAU)

Tali Banin (HUJI)

Spencer Morrison (TAU)

Roi Tartakovsky (TAU)


Trans (Mandel 004)

Etti Gordon Ginzburg (Oranim, chair)

Reut Barzilai (Haifa)

Emil Halloun (BIU/Oranim)

David Stromberg (HUJI/Shalem)


 W.A. Minkoff Senate Hall (Building 71) 

16:00 - 17:00   Keynote lecture

Chair: Milette Shamir (TAU)

Barbara Hochman (BGU), The End(s) of Literature: Traveling with the Profession


17:00 - 17:15   Coffee

17:15 - 19:00  Afternoon Workshop: The Writing Life

Chair: Galia Benziman (HUJI)

Shuli Barzilai (HUJI), Why Do We Write?

Yael Levin (HUJI), Writer's Block and Other Monsters

David Hadar (Beit Berl), Writing as Labor

Ron Ben-Tovim (BGU), Writing In and Out of Academia

Ayelet Ben-Yishai (Haifa), Demystifying Writing

19:00   Dinner (Senate court)

For a PDF poster/program see here.  


Register for the Keywords Seminars

Please fill out this form to indicate which seminars you plan to take part in:
Keywords session I
Keywords session II
Keywords session III

Thanks for submitting!

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Organizing Committee:

Eitan Bar-Yosef (BGU), Ayelet Ben-Yishai (Haifa), Galia Benziman (HUJI), Milette Shamir (TAU), Yael Shapira (BIU)

Contact us with any questions at

For car permits please contact Merav Saroosi-Peretz, 08-6461128 |

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